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Save/Get cart

Your cart is empty.
To save a cart, the cart cannot be empty.

Save your cart

  • Once recorded, we keep your items in our database and you will be able to get them back for a 30 days period.
    Never you have to consider saving cart as a reservation.
  • At the end of this period, you will lose the contents of your cart. You will have to save it again.
  • After to have entered your cart name, We will give you a cart number sent on your email
  • Please keep your cart name and your cart number in order to get back your cart.
  • You can save carts as much than you want.

Recover cart

  • Your cart is saved in our database for a 30 days period.
  • At the end of this period, you will lose the contents of your cart. You will have to save it again.
  • The recovered cart will erase the contents of the current cart.
  • Once your cart recovered, you will be able to continue your shopping in a normal way.
  • If you wish to save your cart again, click the button ' Update' in 'Your cart' module.
    Each update will extend the 30 days period for 15 days more.
  • Prices and offers of recovered items in the recovered cart will be adjusted automatically.
C-Sonic is allowed to change price, tax rate or spécifiaction of any item included in your cart.
Saving your cart not guaranteed the availability, the price or the offer of the saved items.